Rotary Clube de Silves

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Welcoming José Martinez

At the recent Governor’s meeting, Rainer Kroth President of Silves Rotary Club expressed his pleasure in welcoming José as a new member.  José is a citizen of the USA, originally a Pacific Islander born and raised on the island of Guam. He lived in San Francisco for 30 years prior to his move to Lagos. He has worked in finance for all of his life in the Far East, the Middle East, North Africa as well as the U.S. In 2015 he moved to the Republic of Panama, where he became a member of the Rotary Club of Boquete, Panama for about 4 years. He served as President and Treasurer of the club. The governor pinned on the Rotary emblem, and all members welcomed José to the club. They looked forward to working with him.

Pinning Joe croppedJo and Governor cropped